Laser cutting is a popular method of metal processing based on thermal technology that is commonly used in the metal fabrication industry. The amplified light travels through a tube full of Co2 and other gases, reflected through two mirrors, and creates a beam of light that is used as the heat source to melt the areas on an item to fit a specific design. 

A key advantage of laser cutting services is their capacity to seamlessly integrate with automated systems. At AMP, we provide laser cutting services with advanced automated technology and highly experienced technicians. This combination of technology and expertise guarantees a superior, high-quality result for our clients, every time. 

Laser cutting enhances the quality of metal fabrication projects because it works more precisely and stably. The versatility of laser cutting allows fabricators to work with more complex designs with better efficiency and decreased cost.

As an expert in laser cutting and metal fabrication, AMP provides an outstanding quality metal fabrication service. In the following sections, we will explain the characteristics of laser cutting and how it can help you enhance the quality of your metal fabrication projects.


Quality In Laser Cutting Metal Fabrication

Quality In Laser Cutting Metal Fabrication

Quality metal fabrication elevates the standard of manufacturing projects. Some common indicators are used to determine what quality laser service is. For example, roughness, perpendicularity and cutting width are indicators that examine the level of precision. Quality laser services need to make the cutting edge smooth and vertical with the minimum cutting width. This can help to keep variation at a minimum level.

Another aspect considered when examining the quality of laser cutting services is the need for further processing. A laser cutting service that creates less burr and leaves less material deposits is a better service. Quality metal fabrication should also avoid deformation of materials. Better control of the thermal zone during operation is crucial for that matter. This is how quality is assured during laser cutting projects:

Laser Cutting Offers Excellent Stability

Quality Assurance #1 Laser Cutting Offers Excellent Stability

As mentioned above, laser cutting is a thermal technology that uses light-generated heat to melt metal and shape material. Compared to traditional metal processing methods, laser cutting offers higher stability, making it easier to keep the workpiece in position during processing. Higher stability leads to better consistency and repeatability, and laser cutting ensures the fabricators deliver a steady, quality product in every operation.

The stability of laser cutting equipment is also partially determined by the durability of the equipment. As such, excellent stability means that the service life of the machine can be guaranteed, so as to reduce the cost of using and maintaining the machine. 

Quality Assurance #2 Laser Cutting is Significantly More Precise

Laser cutting is more precise. With the application of computer-aided systems such as CNC, laser cutting supports and addresses your design prints. The principles of operation behind the technology ensure smoother manufacturing than other methods. During cutting, the equipment and application remain steady as no vibration is created by movement. Also, all the debris created during the process is immediately vapourised or melted. With superior levels of precision, higher-quality products are guaranteed.


Laser Cutting Can Handle High Complexity Projects

Quality Assurance #3 Laser Cutting Can Handle High Complexity Projects

The possibility of operating in detail expands the range of use for laser cutting. The clean edge of the end work makes laser cutting suitable for dealing with smaller, more complex items. The steady power of the laser beam creates a straight and smooth cut. This is useful for projects that require higher accuracy. The diversity of this technology is a benefit for bigger and more varied projects. The consistency in quality is secured by handling the work with the same fabricators. 

At AMP, we use CNC laser cutting to bring our clients’ designs to life. Our highly experienced experts use this technology to ensure higher quality outputs that satisfy and exceed our clients’ expectations. If you want to understand more about the technique of CNC laser cutting and what elements make it an ideal metal processing solution, take a look at our complete CNC Laser Cutting Services walkthrough.

Quality Assurance #4 Laser Cutting Cuts Contactlessly

Another advantage of this technology is the fact that laser cutting cuts contactlessly. Because laser cutting operates through a beam of light created by amplified light, the pointer of the machine does not directly touch the material. This not only ensures the machine does not wear during cutting, but also secures the integrity of the material, which is important when working on delicate objects. The consistent performance throughout the operation equals a guarantee of quality metal fabrication. 


Quality Assurance #5 Laser Cutting Offers High Levels of Customisation

Besides stability and the ability to handle complex tasks while providing detailed cutting, laser cutting is also well-known for its high versatility. Laser cutting has the potential to process different types, thicknesses and depths of material. This helps fabricators deliver various custom metal products; a great technique that satisfies clients’ needs.

The high versatility of laser cutting also speeds up the development of technology. With its high level of customisation, companies’ R&D departments can test and model different kinds of combinations that help them find better solutions and materials. The precision and consistency also ensure that all the work is presented to a high standard in every version. This makes the testing of new materials or combinations more reliable.  

Related Searches

Is Laser Cutting Expensive?

The cost of laser cutting varies based on project requirements, operation time and the model of the machine. The average cost for operating a laser cutting machine is around $0.3 per hour. However, this amount will be higher for more complex projects and the cost for weekly maintenance also needs to be considered.

What is the Difference Between Laser and Plasma Cutting?

Plasma cutting works with high temperatures created by ionised gas. This method only functions with conductive material such as metal. Conversely, the heat used in laser cutting is generated through amplified light. It can operate on a wider range of materials including non-conductive ones.   

With plasma cutting, a large amount of debris is created during the cutting process and this affects its accuracy. Different models of plasma cutting machines often have different ranges in depth suggested for operation. At AMP, we use laser cutting, a more accurate, efficient and versatile option. To learn more about how the techniques differ, check out our recent comparison between laser and plasma cutting.

Key Takeaways

  1. Laser cutting is a precise, efficient and flexible metal cutting technique that delivers high quality metal outputs. Compared to traditional metal processing methods, laser cutting offers high stability and accuracy, which helps manufacturers achieve better results without the risk of high deviation.
  2. The characteristics of laser cutting allow operators to deliver high quality work. Laser cutting can deal with complex design and details. It creates clean edges and a small cutting width that avoids variations. The straight lines and vertical cutting edge made by quality laser services guarantee the components assemble perfectly later.
  3. At AMP, we combine automated technology and laser cutting technique to provide metal fabrication outputs of the highest quality. Our highly experienced experts and cutting-edge computer aided system guarantee our customers are satisfied.

Do you want to enhance the quality of your metal fabrication projects? Our experienced experts are happy to help you understand more about our top-of-the-range services. Contact us today for a quote and to find out more.

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